Refusing Refugees Doesn’t Make One Less Christian

RefugeesI’ve been not only very passionate, but also very nuanced, civil, and polite in my expressing what I’m thoroughly convinced is the appropriate American response and, more importantly, the appropriate Christian response, which transcends politics and American values, to the refugee crisis is.

I want to clarify that I don’t find anyone less Christian or not a Christian if they don’t share my conviction about it, however, I will say I find those with the different stance to have a very “unChristian” view, but I’ve not called into question anyone’s faith or love of Christ. I do question one’s ability to see Him in the face of those refugees though, to not let patriotism override compassion, and one’s sense of Biblical justice if a view is shared that opposes what the Biblical answer is. Nonetheless, I don’t find it my place to call anyone less of a Christian, and it’s certainly not okay to do that to anyone for any view. 

If I’ve come across mean, ugly, nasty, uncivil, not nuanced, or accidentally calling into question your faith I apologize. Forgive me, a fellow sinner, who wants to follow Christ along with you. My friend Sarah shared these amazing thoughts today I feel we should all strive to take into heart:

In regards to the Syrian refugee crisis: I think it is ok to be afraid. It is ok to be hesitant. It is ok to share your opinion. However. It is not ok to be hateful, it is not ok to be malicious, it is not ok to let your patriotism overshadow your compassion.

I’ve seen some people talk better about stray dogs than the Syrian people lately. And it breaks my heart. It is easy to lapse into an ‘us verses them’ mindset in times of war, but please remember, as a whole, these people are not our enemy. They are men, women, and children who have been torn from their homes. People who have been separated from their loved ones. They are people who have experienced terrorism and fear in ways that most of us never will.

Whether you believe America should accept refugees or not, think carefully before you post something regarding the matter. If you cannot say something kind, it is probably better left unsaid. And if you want to help these people, but aren’t sure how, there are thousands of charities serving Syrian families at your disposal.

We are not just one nation under God- we are one world.”

Lord have mercy on us all.

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