
lifePersonal Goals

Goal 1: Everyday is another day I try to be Jonathan Anderson (nothing more and nothing less), to live and love authentically on this journey of discovering my true self, which is a journey of the heart. To keep growing, learning, and challenging myself.  To work on holistic health with a therapist.

Goal 2: To get in shape physically, to eat better, and start taking care of my body.

Academic Goals

Goal 1: To graduate with my M.Ed. with a 3.5 or higher GPA.

Goal 2: To remain a blank slate, to sit at the feet of those who know our profession and soak up their knowledge.

Goal 3 (Long Term): Get licensed and apply for and graduate with my Ph.D in Counselor Education through the University of Tennessee before I’m 35.

Professional Goals

Goal 1: To find a job in the mental health field, so I can get my foot in the door for clinicals.

Goal 2: To graduate and begin work on my licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor.

Goal 3: Earn my Ph.D in Counselor Education from UT before I’m 35, so I can become a graduate professor.

Goal 4: Become a certified “The Daring Way” facilitator and what I like to call a “shame counselor,” which means to me I help others with their chronic shame issues to come to a place of living daring lives as my mission statements says.


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