I May Be Feeling the Bern


Really been contemplating Bernie Sanders and his campaign a lot lately. As well as the complexities of his Democratic-Socialist views, which my friend and college-trained economic student Joel, who helps blog here,  has immensely helped me and educated me on. I’m not entirely on board with feeling the Bern, but the GOP is a complete and utter joke and disgrace to politics, and I don’t wanna vote 3rd party again because that only helps Trump win.

I believe Bernie Sanders has a truly better message and one young people especially wanna hear. And unlike Obama’s failed presidency and lies, Bernie has the history, record, and facts to back up what he wants to do and says he’ll do.

I voted for Obama. I truly felt he would do good and change things I felt were important, especially foreign policy. By the time the next election rolled around, I knew Campaign Obama wasn’t President Obama. His Presidency has largely been a failure.

Bernie and I can agree on many things such as wanting government out of our personal lives, wants to bring down Wall Street corruption, cares about education, realizes the failures of Capitalism and dangers of plutocracy, and cares about middle class families. Hillary doesn’t. I think she’s a Wall Street puppet and part of the Oligarchy in this country!

Bernie strikes me as being the ideological opposite of say a Ron Paul; he’s set in his values and principles, refuses to be bought, refuses to attack and demean others, and strikes me as having integrity.

All this gives me pause to try to see what he’s about and ponder my voting for him.

Sanders is not the perfect candidate by any means. But we have to be realistic and understand that sometimes we have to elect a candidate who might push us back slightly in one area, but advance us in other areas. Think of a rubik’s cube, where sometimes even if all the colors align on one side, you still have to break it apart to try and get all sides to match. Politics is the same way; you have to find the best candidate who will allow you to advance your ultimate agenda, even if it means taking a step back in some other areas.” -Joel B.

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